Move text

A text field is considered on object more in the workspace. A text field can be move around the workspace using the mouse or the keyboard like elements, basic objects or pictures.

Move text field by mouse

  1. Left click on the text field which should be moved.

  2. Without releasing, move the mouse to the new desired position.

Move text field from selection properties panel

  1. Select the text field which should be moved.

  2. Define coordinates X and Y from text field at selection properties panel.


Figure: QElectroTech text field selection properties panel


If the selection properties panel is not displayed, it can be displayed from Settings > Display > Selection properties

Move text field by keyboard

  1. Select the text field which should be moved.

  2. Press the corresponding arrow (Downwards, Rightward, Leftwards or Upwards) to move the text field one grid row or column.