Reset conductors

QElectroTech provides the posibility to return to the default route once a conductor route has been modify.


Figure: QElectroTech reset conductor

QElectroTech allows resetting the route of a conductor from menu bar, toolbar, workspace or using keyboard shortcut.

Reset conductor from menu bar

  1. Select the conductor which route should be reseted.

  2. Select Edit > Reset conductors menu item to reset the conductor route.


Figure: QElectroTech edit menu

Reset conductor from toolbar

  1. Select the conductor which route should be reseted.

  2. Select the icon conductor2 from toolbar to reset the conductor route.


If the toolbar is not displayed, it can be displayed from Settings > Display > Tools.

Reset conductor from workspace

  1. Right click on the conductor which route should be reseted.

  2. Select the option Reset conductors to reset the conductor route.


Figure: QElectroTech conductor options

Reset conductor using keyboard shortcut

QElectroTech allows using keyboard shortcut to increase the working efficiency.

  1. Select the conductor which route should be reseted.

  2. Press Ctrl + k to reset the conductor route.

See also

For more information about QElectroTech keyboard shortcut, refer to menu bar section.