Text settings¶
Before starting to work, QElectroTech allows defining the default appearance of the different texts.
Elements texts¶
Independent texts¶
QElectroTech allows defining a default orientation and text font from the text field object.
Click at the button from the text font to display the select font PopUp window.
Select a default rotation angle for the text.
Opposite to the geometrical angle, QElectroTech use the clock direction to define angles.

Figure: QElectroTech dynamic texts settings¶
Summary pages¶
QElectroTech allows defining a default text font from the project summary table.
Click at the button from the text font to display the select font PopUp window.
Other texts¶
QElectroTech allows defining a default orientation and text font for the text that is not part from an element, text field object and from the project summary.
Click at the button from the text font to display the select font PopUp window.

Figure: QElectroTech dynamic texts settings¶