Open Project

Opening a project saved somewhere from the computer Hard Disk or local server can be done from menu bar, toolbar and using the corresponding keyboard shortcut.

A project is conformed by a simgle file with .qet format. The .qet extension is the native extension from QElectroTech. Even so, QElectroTech allows also working with Extensible Markup Language files, files with extension .xml.

Open project from menu bar

  1. Select File > Open menu item to open the search file PopUP window.


Figure: QElectroTech file menu

  1. Search the project in the computer

  2. Press Open button to close the search file PopUP window and open the project.

Open project from toolbar

  1. Select the icon project from toolbar to open the search file PopUP window.

  2. Search the project at the computer

  3. Press Open button to close the search file PopUP window and open the project.


If the toolbar is not displayed, it can be displayed from Settings > Display > Tools

Open project using keyboard shortcut

QElectroTech allows using keyboard shortcut to increase the working efficiency.

  1. Press Ctrl + o to open the search file PopUP window.

  2. Search the project at the computer

  3. Press Open button to close the search file PopUP window and open the project.

See also

For more information about QElectroTech keyboard shortcuts, refer to menu bar section.

Files history

When QElectroTech has already been used, exists the possibility to open a project created, opened and/or saved previously. File History has been integrated.

  1. Select File > Latest files menu item to display the file history from QElectroTech.

  2. Click on the project file that should be opened.


Figure: QElectroTech File History