App Changelog¶
Version 0.9¶
Diagram editor :
Improved QElectroTech speed (launch qet, open project, function)
A drop-down list has been added to the toolbar to change the size of the resize handles.
Element Editor:
The “keep visual rotation” property of element texts is editable from the element editor.
Thanks to the work of antonioaja it is now possible to import a dxf directly from the element editor in a completely transparent way for the user.
In the background QElectroTech uses the dxf2elmt software.
Improved responsiveness when multiple shapes are selected or deleted, especially when working on a large converted DXF element.
Add a “side project” tab in the “about” window.
In the general QElectroTech configuration, a drop down list allows to choose the scaling method for hdpi screens.
Allow open polygons (i.e. polylines) when saving in dxf format.
Added ‘Other’ option for slave device contact type. #222
Added a QElapsedTimer to calculate the time used to reload the item collection.
Improved QElapsedTimer to calculate the time used to reload the item collection in seconds instead of ms.
Added Linux pc.gpu.RAM information, but requires mesa-utils dependency on the Linux OS.
Added information about mounted disk volumes.
Added CPU architecture for which Qt was compiled in the aboutqetdialog widget and in the logs.
Added MSVC support to MachineInfo.
Added RAM information on Windows of available RAM.
Added QElectroTech version to the log file.
Elements collection :
Improve collection 8274 elements in 1097 categories (i.e. 9371 files).