Terminal block¶
Element which represents a terminal block, connection between two cables from the same potential.

Figure: QElectroTech Terminal block¶
For terminal block element exist two type of variables, the general variables that are common for all type of elements and managed internally by QElectroTech, and the specific variables for this type of element.
QElectroTech allows defining variable values from this type of element at the Selection properties panel. QElectroTech does not allow defining new variables. QElectroTech allows only displaying variables at dynamic texts and define value of the specific variables.
If the Selection properties panel is not displayed, it can be displayed from Settings > Display > Selection properties.
General variables
% {F}: Label from the folio where the element can be found
% {f}: Number from the folio where the element can be found
% {M}: Plant variable from the folio where the element can be found
% {LM}: Location variable of the folio where the element can be found
% {l}: Folio line number from the workspace where the element can be found
% {c}: Folio column number from the workspace where the element can be found
% {id}: Folio position in the project (Schema number)
Specific variables
Label formula: Definition of the formula which defines the Label value. If a auto numbering pattern is selected during terminal creation, QElectroTech defiens
as default formula.Label: Internal variable which is used to defines the element code.
Annotation: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables).
Textual description: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables).
Article number: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables).
Manufacturer: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables).
Order number: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables).
Supplier: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables).
Auxiliry block 1: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables).
Auxiliry block 2: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables).
Internal number: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables).
Location: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables).
Function: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables).
Voltage/Protocol: Internal variable, it cannot be a formula (group of other variables).