
Create rectangle


To draw more easily, the folio grid can be displayed from Display > Display the grid or from toolbar icon grid.

The rectangle can only be added to the workspace by toolbar.

  1. Select the icon rectangle from toolbar to add a rectangle.

  2. Click on the initial vertix from the rectangle.

  3. Click on the end vertex from the rectangle.


If the toolbar is not displayed, it can be displayed from Settings > Display > Add.

Rectangle properties

The edges and the internal area from the triangle can be costumized at QElectroTech.

  • The edges from a rectangle have the same properties as a line.

  • The type of filling for closed primitive objects (rectangle, ellipse and closed polygon) are: None, Solid line and some types of grids.


    Figure: QElectroTech Color selection PopUP window

  • The possible filling colors are defined by the RGB scale range.


The position from the rectangle can be locked to prevent involuntary movement.

  • Go to rectangle properties and check the Lock position button.

The rectangle properties can be displayed from menu bar, by right click on one rectangle edge, from selection properties panel and using keyboard shortcut.

Rectangle properties from menu bar

  1. Select one of the edges from the rectangle which should be edited.

  2. Select Edit > Edit the selected object menu item to display the rectangle properties PopUP window.


    Figure: QElectroTech edit menu

Rectangle properties by right click

  1. Right click on one of the edges from the rectangle which should be edited.

  2. Select the option Edit the selected object to display the rectangle properties PopUP window.


Figure: QElectroTech rectangle selection PopUP window

Rectangle properties from selection properties panel

  1. Select one of the edges from the rectangle which should be edited and the properties from the rectangle will appear at selection properties panel.


Figure: QElectroTech Rectangle properties panel


If the selection properties panel is not displayed, it can be displayed from Settings > Display > Selection properties

Rectangle properties using keyboard shortcut

QElectroTech allows using keyboard shortcut to increase the working efficiency.

  1. Select one of the edges from the rectangle which should be edited.

  2. Press Ctrl + e to display the rectangle properties PopUP window.

See also

For more information about QElectroTech keyboard shortcuts, refer to menu bar section.