Folio size

The working area from the workspace is defined as a grid of columns and rows. All columns have the same width and all rows have the same height.


Figure: QElectroTech folio with 17 columns (0 to 16) and 8 rows (A to H) is shown

The parameters that can be customized from Dimensions of folio section from the folio properties PopUp window are:

  1. Number of columns.

  2. Width from columns.

  3. Column headers display or hidden.

  4. Number of rows.

  5. Height from rows.

  6. Row headers display or hidden.


Figure: QElectroTech dimensions of folios section

The version 0.7 from QElectroTech works with pixels and there is no pre-defined folio sizes. The pixels dimensions according ISO 216 are:

ISO 216





841 x 1189

3178 x 4494


594 x 841

2245 x 3178


420 x 594

1587 x 2245


297 x 420

1122 x 1587


210 x 297

794 x 1122


148 x 210

559 x 794


105 x 148

397 x 559


74 x 105

280 x 397


52 x 74

196 x 280


37 x 52

140 x 196


26 x 37

98 x 140

See also

For more information about how to display folio properties, refer to display folio properties section.